If you’ve come this far, it’s because you want to better understand this phase of life. And I’m here to walk alongside you, with reliable information, support and a friendly conversation.

Menopause is still surrounded by doubts, fears and even taboos. But the truth is that it is not the end of anything — it is the beginning of a new phase full of possibilities! So, let’s demystify all this?

“I thought menopause was just about stopping my period. But no one told me that I would feel hot even in the winter, that my sleep would change and that I would feel so different inside my own body.” — Marisa, 51 years old

Did you relate? Take a deep breath. Here, we’ll talk about everything: what happens to the body, the symptoms, the challenges and, of course, the solutions. Grab your cup of tea and come with me! 💛

🔍 What is Menopause?

Menopause doesn’t happen overnight . It is a gradual process that can last for years and has different phases:

📌 1. Perimenopause (Pre-Menopause)

It starts a few years before the last period. The ovaries reduce estrogen production, the menstrual cycle becomes irregular and the first symptoms appear. It can last from 4 to 10 years!

“It was a shock! My cycle was always regular and suddenly it got messed up. I had months without a period and then it would come back out of nowhere.” — Luciana, 47 years old

📌 2. Menopause (The Official Milestone)

It is the name given to the moment when menstruation stops completely for 12 months in a row . It occurs, on average, between the ages of 45 and 55.

📌 3. Post-Menopause (The New Phase)

After menopause is confirmed, postmenopause begins, which can last for decades. Symptoms may continue, but many of them ease over time.

💡 Did you know? Some women reach menopause early, before the age of 40. This can happen due to genetic factors, surgeries (such as ovary removal) or even treatments such as chemotherapy.

🔥 The Most Common Symptoms — And How to Relieve Them

Symptoms vary from woman to woman. Some feel everything, others almost nothing. But the most common are:

1. Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

That sudden heat that rises through the body and makes everything uncomfortable. At night, it is accompanied by intense sweating.

✅ What helps?

  • Reduce caffeine and alcohol
  • Wear light, breathable clothing
  • Drink cold drinks and practice deep breathing

“I used to sleep well my whole life. Now I wake up in the middle of the night sweating, and it seems like the day never starts well again.” — Renata, 49 years old

2. Changes in Sleep

Difficulty sleeping, insomnia or very light sleep.

✅ What helps?

  • Create a relaxing nighttime routine
  • Avoid screens before bed
  • Chamomile, lavender and valerian tea can be allies

3. Mood Swings and Anxiety

With the fluctuation of hormones comes irritation, sudden sadness and, in some cases, even depressive symptoms.

✅ What helps?

  • Physical exercise (releases endorphins!)
  • Therapy and emotional support
  • Practices such as meditation and yoga

4. Weight Gain and Body Changes

Metabolism slows down and fat accumulates more in the abdomen.

✅ What helps?

  • Balanced diet, rich in proteins and fibers
  • Weight training and resistance training to maintain muscle mass
  • Drink plenty of water

“I was always thin, but after turning 50, my body changed completely. What I used to eat without gaining weight now accumulates in my belly!” — Fernanda, 52 years old

5. Low Libido and Vaginal Dryness

Decreased hormones can affect sexual desire and cause discomfort.

✅ What helps?

  • Vaginal lubricants and moisturizers
  • Talk to your partner and look for new ways to enjoy yourself
  • Hormone therapy may be an option for some women

💬 What about Hormone Replacement Therapy?

Many women ask: is it worth it?

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) can help relieve symptoms such as hot flashes, vaginal dryness, and bone loss. But not every woman can or should use it . If you have a history of breast cancer, heart problems, or blood clots, HRT may not be recommended.

📌 Talk to your doctor to understand if HRT is right for you.

💡 Myths and Truths about Menopause

❌ Menopause means old age
✅ Wrong! You can live decades after menopause with quality of life and energy.

❌ You will automatically gain weight
✅ Not always! With healthy habits, it is possible to maintain a balanced weight.

❌ Sex life ends during menopause
✅ Not at all! Pleasure continues, and intimacy may even improve over time.

💜 Conclusion — You Are Not Alone!

Menopause is a natural chapter in life, not an end. With information, self-care and support, this can be a time of renewal, learning and empowerment.

“At first, I thought menopause would take away my joy in life. Today, I see that it was a new beginning. I learned to take care of myself, to listen to myself and to love myself more.” — Silvana, 54 years old

If this article helped you, share it with other women! And remember: taking care of yourself is an act of love. 💛

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